單行 //
多行 /*...*/
document comments
內容中含有 [xxx] , xxx參考到 class/method/field/top-level variable/function/parameter
Two runtime modes:
production - faster, deploy (ignore assert statements and static type checking)
checked - helpful development
Variable default value
Uninitialized variables have an initial value of null.
int linecnt; <<-- linecnt is null by default, not 0
Optional type system
it is optional to declare the type of variables/functions/parameters/fields.
if you declare it, it is useful to type checking on checked runtime mode
Final and Const
final variable is initialized the first time it's used, it can set only once.
(Lazy initialization of final variables helps apps start up faster)
const variables is compile-time constants.
const pi=3.14159;
const round=2*pi;
Build-in Types
numbers: int (任何長度的整數) / double(凡含小數點的數字) / num
strings: String
booleans: bool (true/false)
lists: List<T> / Collection
maps: Map
String (immutable sequences of UTF-16 code units)
quote / double-quote / triple-quote for multi-lines string
raw string ==> r"In a raw string, even \n isn't special."
字串比較用 == (是比較字串內容)
In Dart, only the value true is treated as true, all other values are treated as false.
check string if empty ==> str.isEmpty()
check int if NaN ==> iVar.isNaN()
List (zero-based indexing)
In Dart, array is List object.
var list = [1,2,3,4];
var abc = {
'test1' : [123,456,789],
'test2' : [666,777]
用 constructor產生
var def = new Map();
var nnn = new Map<int, String>();
if no return value is specified, the statement return null.
Optional parameters (can be either positional or named, but not both)
default values must be compile-time constants such as literals. If no default value, the value is null.
checking caller passing value for an optional parameter: ?param
if (?device) { return true if the caller specified the parameter
Named parameters use {param1, param2,...} to declare
enableFlags( {bool bold, bool hidden : false} ) {
// ...
In caller side, named parameters using paramName : value
enableFlags(bold: true, hidden: false);
Positional parameters use [] to declare it
String say( String from, String msg, [String device="carrier", String mood] ) {
Type Test Operators
as Typecast
is True if the object has the specified type
is! False if the object has the specified type